
Small cottage outside of the town

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    À propos de moi

    I am passionate to live a life in harmony with nature, meet likeminded people, create something new and enjoy the process. I like to communicate with openess and straightforwardness, where we can say each other exactly what we think and respect opposite opinion. I am a medical professional and have no idea of building science. There are four of us - my Frenchie, two cats and I - living under the same roof in peace and love. We all are easy-going creatures, like to play and have fun. I am intending to build an eco-house, then with time and available finances expand into an eco-village - to host people who would like to enjoy the simple and healthy style of life.

    Mon lieu

    I live in Lusaka, Zambia. My plot is 20 km from the town. My neighbours and best friends are Swedish couple living on 11 hectars of land with no fence between us. In the future we are planning to introduce game, which perfectly fits in our style of life and plans to build an eco-village / guesthouse.


    There is nothing on the plot at the moment. I would like to build earthbag house 40-50 sqm which will be the first one in the chain of small eco-houses/cottages. In the nearest future I would like to build pyramid - like house - red bricks, wood, glass, metal, which I would like to be my main house. I do not expect you to do everything by yourselves, i will employ local men to work, so you as two main builders (Helpers) will have as much man power as you need.


    Helpers can live with us in a two-bedroom cottage, where one bedroom and launch sofa will provide comfort and rest. For one who will sleep in the launch, my two cats might want to share a bed with you, but only if you don't mind. Otherwise they have their own places to rest.


    Nice food is important - so we will eat together - breakfast and dinner. Since lunches will be on site, I will prepare and pack to eat there. I don't eat meat, but i am happy to cook it for those who does. Zambia is rich with locally grown vegetables, but not so much local fruits. Avos and mangoes are seasoned. Anyway, noone will be hugry. Please no drinking during working days.


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