
Earthship Cygnet

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    Acerca de nosotros

    Hello! I am Martin (Marty) Freney from Earthship Eco Homes. I design Earthship homes in Australia and also run workshops to help build them.

    Mi lugar

    The next workshop is in Cygnet Tasmania (in the south of Tasmania). We will be camping on the site where there are two Earthships being built.


    There are two Earthship homes under construction. They use rammed earth instead of the usual tyre walls that you see in typical Earthships. People who come to the workshop will learn about Earthships and gain hands on experience with cob construction from an expert.


    We are camping on site. You need to bring all your camping gear. There will be basic facilities including toilet, shower and camp kitchen.


    We are providing breakfast, lunch and dinner.


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